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Doing right by us

Following her father suffering a serious health event while holidaying in the Philippines, Grace Jones was ready to come home and be closer to family. Throughout the traumatic experience, the family received awesome help from Director Alex McIvor, so it was a no-brainer for Grace when it was her turn to require a solicitor.  

While holidaying in the Philippines about three years ago, Grace Jones’ father Roderick Davison suffered a huge stroke.

Delayed in the Philippines for several weeks while receiving medical care, it was a turbulent time for the whole family. 

“Mum and Dad were supposed to settle on their new house as soon as they got back, but with Dad having a stroke it all had to happen while they were still away,” says Grace, who was still living in the UK at the time with Welsh husband Llion.

“Alex (McIvor) and the bank were amazing, sorting everything here while Mum and Dad were stuck overseas.”

“It meant that when they did finally get back, they could move straight in to the house and focus on Dad getting better.” 

“It was hard being overseas while everything was happening so far away,” she says.

Having lived in the UK for the past seven years, Grace and Llion decided it was time to relocate back to New Zealand.

“We rented for a bit, then started to hunt for a place,” says Grace, who grew up in the Waikato.

Both animal lovers, Grace works as a Vet Technician while Llion works as a shearer in the Te Kuiti area. So, one thing was certain – the couple wanted some land to go with their house.

“It took a while for the right place to come up, that had the land we wanted while also being within our price range,” says Grace.  

“We were lucky to find this 3.5HA block in Mahiihi. The house needed a bit of work, but we thought it would be a good project for us, so we went for it.”

Alex then advised the couple throughout the house buying process.

“Alex basically advised us the whole way through. Between him and the real estate agent, they made it really easy,” says Grace.

“Alex was really reassuring and professional, and we knew he wanted to do right by us the whole time.”

Since moving in, Grace says it’s been great.

“The land has been awesome for us and we’ve got some cattle. We’re working our way through things with the house and renovations as we go too.”

Having a new appreciation for how short life is, the couple have also done their Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney with Alex since the house purchase.

“When Dad lost his speech (which he is now getting back), we realised how important it was to get things sorted,” says Grace.

“Alex is just so kind, and has gone above and beyond for us. He’s so real and personable, and just really easy to deal with.”